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Journal Articles

An Empirical Investigation into the Relationship between Sustainability and Supply Chain Compliance within the South African public and the private sector. Journal of Business & Retail Management Research, 12(2), 121-132.PDF

Technology as an Emerging Educational Tool or Tourism Information Sourcing: A Content Analysis 2006 to 2018. International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT, 7 (2), 49-59PDF

The impact of servicescape and traveller perceived value on affective destination image: an airport retail services case. The Retail and Marketing Review, 14(1), 45-57PDF

Factors that Influence the Intention to Recommend Johannesburg as a Tourist Destination: An International Student’s Perspective 1-108. (Masters Dissertation). University of the Witwatersrand.PDF

Factors That Affect Destination Brand Equity: The Case of Soweto as a Local Tourist Destination through a Generation Y Perspective. 1-190. (Masters Dissertation). University of the Witwatersrand.PDF

Perceptions of the effectiveness of Twitter as a crowdfunding communication tool for raising university fees Communitas, 24, 1-17.PDF

The Impact of Environmental Turbulence on Product Innovation in Small to Medium Enterprises in Harare, Zimbabwe. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 10, (6A), 56-63.PDF

The Influence of Satisfaction on Job Outcomes among Foreign and local Academic Staff at a Selected International University. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 8 (2), 1-13.PDF

Attributes Influencing Financial Institutions Selection by African Youth Tourists. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 8(2), 1-9.PDF

The influence of store environment on brand attitude, brand experience and purchase intention. South African Journal of Business Management, 49(1), 1-8PDF

Key Drivers that Influence Store Choice in the Contemporary Gauteng Apparel Retail Market. Journal of Contemporary Management, 16(2), 201-233.PDF

Facebook Communication and Marketing Influence on Decision-Making and Choice of University Student Representatives: A Student’s Perspective. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 21(2),7-21.PDF

“The Adoption of Google+ by South African Millennials and its Impact on Future Marketing Communication Trends” 20th Global Business and Technology Association International Conference. Shaping the Next Wave of Globalization: Using Current Trends To Reconnect With Markets And Create Value, Bangkok, Thailand, 139-146.PDF

The relationship between traveller perception of value from airport offerings and the intention to return to revisit a destination 31st Southern Africa Institute of the Management Scientists Conference (Nelson Mandela University), 262-275.PDF

The impact of consumer shopping value orientations on retail outcome variables in the South African restaurant setting. 31st Southern Africa Institute of the Management Scientists Conference (Nelson Mandela University), 363-373.PDF

An Analysis of Online Marketing Communications by Graded Accommodation Establishments: A South African Tourism Perspective. 31st Southern Africa Institute of the Management Scientists Conference (Nelson Mandela University), 218-229.PDF

Navigating on the antecedents that influence store patronage, apparel purchase decision and store attachment among the Generation Y cohort. The Retail and Marketing Review, 15(1), 39-56.PDF

An investigation into the factors influencing the purchase intentions of Smart Wearable Technology by students. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 13(5),15-29.PDF

An examination of the determinants of the adoption of mobile applications as learning tools for higher education students. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 13(3), 53-67.PDF

How User-Generated Content Advertising Influences Consumer Attitudes, Trust and Purchase Intention of Products and Services. Communicare: Journal of Communications Sciences in Southern Africa, 38 (1), 36 –149.PDF

An investigation of young consumers’ perceptions towards the adoption of electric cars. African Journal of Business and Economic Research, 14(2), 107-126.PDF

Investigating the Impact of Destination Image on Travellers’ Intention to Revisit South Africa: A Case of International Tourists. e-Review of Tourism Research, 16(6), 567-587.PDF

An Empirical Study on the Predictors of the Perceived Quality of Learning at Institutions of Higher Education: 2D Model Approach. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Teaching and Learning, 14(15), 67-77.PDF

Data on the Relationship between Traveller Perceived Value and Traveller Intention to Revisit a Destination. Data in Brief. 26(October), 1-6.PDF

The Impact of Mobile Banking on the Adoption of Banking Products and Services in South Africa, using the Technology Acceptance Model. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 13(3), 93- 103. PDF

The impact of service quality drivers on customer satisfaction in internet provision services of Zimbabwe. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 14(1), 98-105.PDF

The impact of Digital Banking & Digital Customer Service on the usage and adoption of banking products and services in South Africa, using the Technology Acceptance Model 1-62. (Honours Dissertation). University of the Witwatersrand.PDF

Destination Marketing: A Study into International Airport Service Experience, Destination Image and Intention to Revisit South Africa. 1-323 (Doctoral Dissertation). University of the Witwatersrand.PDF

Factors That Influence Young Consumer’s Acceptance Of Electronic Cars In South Africa 1-109 (Masters Dissertation). University of the Witwatersrand.PDF

An exploratory study on factors that influence the adoption of self-service fuel stations in Johannesburg: Motorists’ Perspective. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Southern African Institute of Management Scientists ISBN: 978-0-620-71797-7.PDF

Factors that Influence the Purchase of Counterfeit Products by Students: A Case of South Africa. International Conference on Ethics of Business, Economics, and Social Science, “Ethics of Business, Economics, and Social Science to Deal with Global Risk”.PDF

Analysing the Effectiveness of using a Mobile Application as an Educational Tool for Students at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. International Business Conference Port Elizabeth, South Africa" "10th International Business Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-0-620-71113-5: pp 19 – 32.PDF

The effect of advertising on brand attitudes and perceived brand value: the case of South African township youth luxury brand choices. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 6(1), 1-14.PDF

The Predictors of Business Performance in the Investment Management Industry. Journal of Global Business and Technology, 12(2),56-69.PDF

An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between, Consumer Attitudes and Willingness to buy Luxury Brands. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Southern African Institute of Management, Scientists, 820-832.PDF

The influence of store environment on brand trust, brand satisfaction and brand loyalty among the black middle class. The Retail and Marketing Review. 12(2), 46-57. PDF

Factors Influencing Fashion Adoption among the Youth in Johannesburg, South Africa. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 8(4), 92-108. , International Communicarions in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 89, No. 8, pp. 4387–4391. PDF

Management’s Commitment, Education and Ethics on Organisational Entrepreneurship: The Case of South African Non-Profit Organisations. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 8(4), 133-143. , Analytical Chemistry, 2017 , Vol. 89, No. 8, pp. 4387–4391. PDF

The Impact of Inclusive Education on Learners with Disabilities in High Schools of Harare, Zimbabwe. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 7(2), 88-96. , International Communicarions in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 89, No. 8, pp. 4387–4391. PDF

An Application of the Marketing Mix and Online Marketing as a Business Strategy for SMME Cafés in South Africa. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 8(3), 14-25PDF

Celebrity Endorsement Advertising: Brand Awareness, Brand Recall, Brand Loyalty as Antecedence of South African Young Consumers’ Purchase Behaviour. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 8(2), 79-90.PDF

An empirical investigation into the effectiveness of consumer generated content on the purchase intention of sports apparel brands. Journal of Contemporary Management, 13,27-54.PDF

Exploring Inclusive and Responsible Business Approaches in South Africa: A Public Procurement Perspective. 32nd Southern Africa Institute of the Management Scientists Conference (North-West University), 359-372.PDF

Perceptions of Local Tourists, Attitudes and Willingness to Visit Local Destinations: A Destination Image Case. Business Management Analysis Journal, 4(2), 121-144.PDF

Assessing the Effectiveness of Technology in Destination Marketing during the COVID-19 Pandemic. E-Journal of Tourism, 8(2), 149-160.PDF

Real Exchange Rate Misalignment and Economic Growth Nexus: Evidence from Southern African countries KINERJA. Journal of Business and Economics, 25(2), 217-233.PDF

Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Destination Marketing and Image of South Africa. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 12(6), 1465-1471.PDF

An empirical investigation into organizational level antecedents of value co-destruction in Lisbon, Portugal: A hospitality sector case. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 10(6), 83-92.PDF

A Systematic Review of the Impact of COVID-19 on Global Sporting Events in 2020: The Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics. Geosport for Society, 15(2), 82-89.PDF

Factors influencing food consumption satisfaction and purchase decisions of restaurant consumers. Cogent Business & Management, 8(1), 1-27.PDF

Does online ideal self-matter? Consumer perceptions of online brand advertisement. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 10(5), 11-21.PDF

The South Africa 2010 FIFA World Cup: A Look Back: Perceptions of its Impact on Tourism in South Africa. International Review of Management and Marketing, 11(4), 49-58.PDF

Attitudes Towards Utilising Mobile Banking Applications Among Generation Z Consumers in South Africa. Journal of Business and Management Review 2(6), 417-438.PDF

Examining Consumer Attitudes and Intentions towards the Adoption of Self-service Fuel Stations in Johannesburg, South Africa. Journal of Critical Reviews, 8 (2), 1587-1599.PDF

The Differential Effects of Emotional Labour on Boundary Spanners of International Banks in Zimbabwe. Journal of Critical Reviews, 8 (2), 1200-1210.PDF

The Impact of Dollarization Policy on Zimbabwe Exports: A Gravity Model Approach. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 11(3), 55-63.PDF

Using “Memes” as a Marketing Communication Tool in Connecting with Consumers within the Age of Digital Connectivity. International Review of Management and Marketing, 11(3), 30-35.PDF

The LGBTQAI+ community and luxury brands: Exploring drivers of luxury consumption in South Africa. African Journal of Business and Economic Research. 16(1), 207-225.PDF

The Link between Energy Economics, Consumer behaviour and Tourism. A Literature Review. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 8 (48), 1915-1923PDF

Fictional Spokes-Characters in Brand Advertisements and Communication: A Consumer’s Perspective. Communitas, 25 (1), 1-16PDF

An Empirical Investigation into Millennials and their Buying Behaviour within Pop-Up Retail Stores. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica. 16 (6), 250-273PDF

An Analysis of Local Tourists’ Perceptions towards Attraction Sites in Cape Town, South Africa. e-Review of Tourism Research, 18(1), 1-21.PDF

Brand Orientation as a Predictor of Customer Orientation, Brand Uniqueness and Competitor Orientation: Evidence from retail SME managers in South Africa. African Journal of Development Studies, 10(3), 303-318.PDF

Data on occupational health and safety strategies influencing the reduction of corona-virus in South Africa. Data in Brief. 32 (October), 1-7.PDF

From selected multi-sensory dimensions to positive word of mouth: Data on what really drives generation Z consumers to be attached to quick service restaurants in Bloemfontein, South Africa? Data in Brief. 32(October). 1-8PDF

Political campaigns in South Africa: Does celebrity endorsement influence the intention to vote? Journal of Public Affairs, 20(3), 1-11.PDF

Structural differentiation and organisational learning capability as predictors of corperate venturing and business growth among SMEs in South Africa. International Journal of Business and Society, 21 (2), 717-736.PDF

An Investigation on Mobile Banking and Co-creation Services Adoption Intention in South Africa. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 14(11), 137-152.PDF

The Response of Zimbabwe Tobacco Exports to Real Exchange Rates Volatility: 1980-2019. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 2(56), 201–219.PDF

Threats, Challenges, And Opportunities for Open Universities and Massive Online Open Courses in The Digital Revolution. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 15(12), 191-204.PDF

Religious Tourism: An Analysis of Antecedents of the Intention to Participate In Religious Festivals. Enlightened Tourism: A Path Making Journal, 10(1), 111-135.PDF

Renewable Energy Access Challenge At Household Level for The Poor In Rural Zimbabwe: Is Biogas Energy A Remedy? International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 10(4), 282-292.PDF

Modelling fashion clothing involvement among gay consumers in South Africa. Cogent Social Sciences, 6(1), 1-27.PDF

Multisensory Dimensions Effect on Affective Attitudes, Restaurant Attachment and Positive Word of Mouth in Quick-Service Restaurants. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 16(2), 176-200.PDF

An Application of Internal Marketing for Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Johannesburg Construction Firms. African Journal of Economic and Business Research, 15 (1), 183-200.PDF

A Review of the Impact of Consumerism, Recycling and Pollution: Evidence from Southeast Asia: 1999 to 2019. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, (Volume XI, Spring), 1(41), 23-28.PDF

The Impact of Airport Experience on International Tourists’ Revisit Intention: A South African Case. Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 29(2), 414–427.PDF

Student Perceptions Towards the use of YouTube as An Educational Tool for Learning and Tutorials. International Journal of Instruction, 13(2), 119-138.PDF

An Analysis of the Intention of Consumers to Adopt Branded Mobile Applications in South Africa. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 14(4), 138-151.PDF

Analysing the Effectiveness of Using A Mobile Application as An Educational Tool for Students at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 1-78. (Honours Dissertation). University of the Witwatersrand.PDF

The effectiveness of cost transparency on luxury clothing brands in Johannesburg 1-103. (Honours Dissertation). University of the Witwatersrand.PDF

Student Perceptions of the Predictors of Customer Purchase Intention of Counterfeit Products 1-102 (Masters Dissertation). University of the Witwatersrand.PDF

Marketing Factors Influencing the Voting Intention of University Students in Johannesburg. Journal of Economics and Behavioural Studies, 7(6), 81-93.PDF

Marketing Campaign Gautrain Steam. Chuchu, T., Uta, L., Brand, C., & Urwin., B. (2013).PDF

Gautrain Brand Book. University of the Witwatersrand. 1-22.PDF

A Study on the Perceptions of Mobile TV as A Marketing tool In South Africa 1-94. (Honours Dissertation). University of the Witwatersrand.PDF